HR Solutions for
Your Business

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Simple, affordable, outsourced HR services for small & mid-sized businesses.

Our Services


Manage Your HR

Are day-to-day HR tasks starting to feel tedious and time consuming? Allow us to take over and manage your HR for you - 100% remote. We can run your payroll, assist with benefits administration, be available to your employees for HR-related questions or requests - freeing you to focus on growing your business.

Employee Setup

Are you growing and adding new employees or contractors? Need help setting up workflows for onboarding? We can assist with end-to-end team member setup, from onboarding, required documentation, systems setup, benefits administration, vacation plans, and so much more.

Compliance Audit

Are you concerned about HR requirements and aren’t sure if you company is compliant? We’re happy to help! We’ll conduct a compliance audit to ensure your HR operations are within legal parameters and help set you up for success.


Recruiting and Hiring

If you’re growing, you’re hiring - and that’s where you want to be! However, finding the right talent can be overwhelming and time consuming. We can help! We’ll work with you to source and find the right candidates to fit your company’s unique needs.

HR On-Call

For a flat monthly fee, we will be your on-call HR Reps. Have a sticky situation you need assistance with? Not sure about how to write-up a new policy? Need assistance processing a leave request? This is where we are available and jump in to help with your HR needs. 

Policies and Procedures

Broiler plate standardized policies are so yesterday. To be effective and efficient, you need customized, clear, easy to understand policies, written specifically for your business and employees. Create an effective workplace and allow us to help you create and implement workplace policies.